Free Throw Competition

The Knights of Columbus Council #14454 will be hosting a free throw competition on Feb 8, 2015 at the MDP Gym from 10:30 to 1pm. This competition is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 10 to 14. Come out and test your skills. Trophies will be awarded and you will be able to advance to the regional competition on Feb 21.

Free Throw During Game

If you would like to see the winners from last year’s national competition visit the Knights Supreme Website. Here is an excerpt from the Supreme Website:

Since 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Championship for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14 (starting in the fraternal year 2013-2014)

The championship is set up to have the contestants compete within their own gender and age group. All competition starts at the local level. Winners move on to the district, regional, and state or provincial levels. From there, some make it to the international level for championship



Bishop John Barres of Allentown, Penn., a former collegiate basketball player at Princeton University, is a strong supporter of the Free Throw Championship. He sees the focus and discipline required to achieve athletic excellence as being valuable in the faith formation and character development of young people. In addition, healthy competition helps young people to handle both good fortune and adversity with grace and dignity.

To view a short video of Bishop Barres discussing the virtues of both the Free Throw Championship and the Soccer Challenge, click here.

Spread the word and bring your kids and their friends. Healthy competition is good.

Carlos Medina PGK

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