Tag Archives: cancer

Prayer for SK Steve Santoleri

Brother Jerry, A member of our Council, SK Steve Santoleri, is in need of all our prayers because his cancer has returned.  Steve’s family asks that the special prayer below be said for him to Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, S.J.  Since I … Continue reading

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Paula Morales & Friend

Dear Brother & Sisters in Christ, Earlier today I was informed that a dear friend of Paula Morales of our parish (St. Mary Magdalen) is in desperate need of our prayers. Her friend Lora is battling cancer and has been placed on … Continue reading

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Deceased & Sick Brothers

I received the following list from our Brother Jerry Truit Please pray for our deceased and sick Brothers… Please send out to all our brothers the following news: Fourth Degree Brother William S. Petrelli passed away on Sat. Oct 16 … Continue reading

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Prayer for Brother Benton

Please add Brother Benton to your sick list Jerry Truitt IN GOD WE TRUST Oct 15, 2010 11:12:43 AM, Nam224@aol.com wrote: Please pass on the news regarding Ray Benton, PGK, PFNBrother Benton is very sick and in need of our … Continue reading

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