I wanted to introduce myself to those who may not know me. I manage the website for my home council so instead of starting a new District Deputy website I figured I would just add a page to this site.
First a little bit of info about me. I have been a member of the Knights of Columbus for over 13 years and am a Past Grand Knight as well as a former Financial Secretary. I have held other positions as well as being a 4th Degree member. I moved to Pennsylvania with my family from Texas in 2007. I am an IT manager as well as being a part time photographer.
You can reach me via email at Carlos@medinapps.com or my phone number is 484-798-0779. If you have any questions about anything related to the Knights of Columbus please do not hesitate to ask. If I do not know the answer, then I will get the answer for you.
At this point I am looking for a District Warden to assist me so if you are interested in learning what a District Deputy or a District Warden does please contact me. I want to focus on growing our order because as is true in anything you do, if you are not growing or moving forward, then you are declining or moving backwards. There is no standing still in this world. I am looking forward to doing my duty to help the Knights of Columbus, my faith, my community, and my fellow man.
Vivat Jesus!
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