Pro-Life Project Request

My fellow State Deputies:

It is very seldom that I reach out to my entire brother State Deputies for the help that I am about to ask for. It seems that there is a challenge out there that requires our help and all brothers of our order. I am simply asking each of you to please pass on this message to your Grand Knights and have them pass this message on to their members. I ask this so we all can make the right choice and act on this request. Because we have council in my state helping out our neighboring state, I have extended this request for help to everyone.

If we can get the most votes, Mother Seton House in Maine, will receive $250,000 and can purchase a home. If you are for Pro-Life now is the time to be counted. It is important to pass this to all your friends on your e-mail list. If you are not for pro-life, just delete this. We are currently #73. If everyone that is pro-life voted across the US we would be no 1.  It cost NOTHING, but a little time. We made it easy for you, just click on the link below.

The Mother Seton House was started by some Pro-life members of St Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church in Fryeburg Maine. In order to win the $250,000 1st prize we MUST be in First not 76 place. If all the knights throughout the United States passed the word we can win. We are voting EVERYDAY.

I am hoping this is not about who gets the credit, or “not invented here” syndrome, this should be about pro-life.  We cannot win unless we all get motivated and vote daily. We need votes from all over the United States. We have time. We need everyone to stop making talk and start doing something to promote this idea.

Please friends, we need your votes to build this home for pregnant women as a help and refuge, all you have to do in click on this link:

Register with the Pepsi Challenge and Mother Seaton House can receive $250,000.00 to buy their home.  Your Help is needed…  Please do this every day.

Also you can text on your cell phone to:
Text* 104822 to Pepsi (73774)

Maybe we can get the all the knights, their friends and family to vote for this, we have a shot to win.  I just voted for this today, they are in the running. If every TRUE pro life person voted for this we could get $250,000 and it could be a model for other homes. It will not cost a single thin dime, just some time. If you don’t provide support for these young women then you leave them another alternative (God forbid us). If we can get the churches to speak this up we can win

Please do this for us.

Thank You Edward A. McCann
State Deputy of New Hampshire
Knights of Columbus
God is Pro-Life

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