Time Sensitive Announcements from the GENERAL MEETING on Sept. 21, 2015
Brother Knights,
At our General Meeting last evening we discussed two items which require your immediate attention.
- Thursday, September 24th – The MDP Respect Life Group is joining forces with the Montgomery County Pro-Life Coalition for a Mass & peaceful witness at the Planned Parenthood location in Norristown on Sept. 24th. All knights and their families are encouraged to attend and pray for the end of abortion. Here is the schedule for the day:
8 am – Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, 714 DeKalb St. in Norristown.
8:45 am – Procession (~ ½ mile) to Planned Parenthood where many abortions are performed
9:00 to 11:00 am – Prayers and public witness at Planned Parenthood
You may contact Michael Fichera at michaelfichera@comcast.net or Vic Limongelli atvlimongelli@msn.com or 610-265-7824 for additional information.
- Sunday, September 27th – Knights are urgently needed to help with the setup for the Papal Mass Viewing Party. Please report to Providence Hall at 9:30 am. Doors for the party open at 3 pmand the Mass is scheduled to start at 4 pm. Call Bill Dugary at 610-337-8439 if you have any questions. Thank you.
Ed Smith
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